Authentic & Inclusive.

Chelsea Levy (she/her) is a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor and Registered Dietitian Nutritionist.
Chelsea utilizes Health at Every Size® (HAES®) principles in her approach to nutrition therapy. She works with individuals struggling with disordered eating and eating disorders, with a focus on weight-inclusive medical nutrition therapy, body image healing, and Intuitive Eating. Chelsea has interest in treating individuals with diabetes, and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) along with folks, who are in larger-bodies, and those who are transgender or non-binary. She believes it is vital to provide care relevant to an individual’s culture, ethnicity, and overall identities.

The work she does is so very important and life changing. In her branding package, we included a typographic option as well as illustrations to represent Chelsea’s expertise and her inclusive nature. It was a true honor and privilege to collaborate with Chelsea in bringing her branding vision to life and empowering her to step into her own.




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