
the evolution of the Fancy Peasant

I provided creative direction and design services for marketing the launch of Fancy Peasant’s direct-to-consumer product line. Straight from a single estate in Greece, this Greek Extra Virgin Olive Oil is liquid gold.


In prepping for the launch, I rebuilt and redesigned the entire site to enable e-commerce capabilities. As Fancy Peasant evolved over the past year, we revisited elements that felt inherent to the brand and its story. The eye pattern I had created in the summer of 2019 has since become an iconic pattern for the brand and has translated into the product packaging. We elevated the look and feel of the website while keeping the customer shopping experience a priority.

I also assisted in photo shoot pre-production in providing shot list recommendations and sourcing the appropriate photographer to capture dynamic photos of the product. Noah Fecks is (and was) awesome.

Fancy Peasant product launch_Luli K.jpg

Fancy Peasant